It also makes it possible to retain metadata at source code level in class files, and at runtime controlled by a retention policy. 它还使得在类文件中以源代码级别保留元数据、并在运行时由保持(retention)策略控制成为可能。
Here's a sample customization that adds a new feature to Domino Web Access: a mail retention dialog designed to enforce a company's policy on aging messages out of the mail system. 下面是一个向DominoWebAccess添加新功能的示例定制:邮件保持对话框设计为根据公司政策强制将过时的邮件清除出邮件系统。
Those portions of the data retention policy affecting near-term modifications may be acted upon by the live filesystem but all historical vacuuming is handled by a helper process. 这些基于数据保留策略的部分影响着近期可能由活动的文件系统所进行的修改。而所有历史性的真空则是由一个帮助进程加以处理。
A document retention policy that includes both deleting and wiping electronic documents, however, is not without concerns. 然而规定了删除和清除电子文件的文件保留政策,也令人有所顾虑。
The generators are typically rely on container or other programming convention and they work with any retention policy. 生成器主要依赖于容器或其它编码约定,可以在任何保持策略下工作。
Adherence to the record retention policy is dictated by the increasing costs of storage and the cost of discovery when litigation arises. 随着记录储存成本和出现法律诉讼时查找记录的成本不断增加,要求我们必须严格执行记录保存方针。
They work with class or runtime retention policy. 在class或runtime这样的保持策略下,它都能运行。
While courts have not specifically opined on the appropriateness of data wiping as part of a document retention policy, there is no reason to suspect that a court would find it improper. 虽然法院不能确切肯定把清除信息的内容加入文件保留政策是适当的行为,却没有理由据此推断法院会作出否定的裁决。
Certainly, a conclusion that it is proper to completely destroy paper documents as part of a document retention policy, but not electronic documents, makes no sense whatsoever. 完完全全地丢弃纸质文件是正当行为而对于电子文件则不然,无论如何这样的结论是没有任何意义的。
Under ordinary circumstances, it is not wrongful for a manager to instruct his employees to comply with a valid document retention policy. 在正常情况下,管理人员指示其雇员遵循有效的文件保留政策并不违法。
Procedures for eliminating or minimizing these additional sources of electronic information often go beyond the scope of a conventional document retention policy. 消除或者减少获得电子信息来源的方法,往往超出普通的文件保留政策考虑的范围。
It typically relies on the container or other programming convention and requires runtime retention policy. 它主要依赖于容器或其他编码约定,同时也需要runtime保持策略。
The Company will destroy any personal data it may hold in accordance with our internal retention policy. 本公司将会根据内部的保存政策,销毁所持有的个人资料。
They may require instead taking the goals of the desired document retention policy into account when designing the computer system. 相反,在设计电脑系统的时候,他们只考虑实现文件保留政策的目标即可。
A document retention policy that includes automatically deleting emails and electronic files, without also wiping the underlying data in those emails and files, is, however, simply not rational. 但是,单单自动删除电子邮件和电子文件,而没有清除邮件和文件下潜藏的信息,这样的文件保留政策并不完全合理。
Distorting and retention the policy; 任意曲解政策,截留政策;
And carrying out the customer's retention policy, carrying on customer relationship marketing. 实施客户维系策略,开展客户关系营销。
During her more than one hundred years 'developing process, Canada has gained a lot of valuable experience in ethnic integration and cultural retention and her policy of multiculturalism has highly evaluated by experts and scholars in many countries. 在其一百多年的发展历程中,加拿大在民族融合和文化保留方面取得了很多宝贵的经验,她所采纳的多元文化政策更是受到了来自世界各地的专家和学者的高度评价。
As to that profit retention plays a significant role in the endogenous financing, dividend policy has a close connection with the endogenous financing. 因为留存盈利构成上市公司内源融资的重要方面,故股利政策和上市公司的内源融资息息相关。
Recruit training is the key and basis of sales target management, therefore insurance companies must set forth explicit recruitment responsibility, make recruitment plans, follow-up on supportive measures, improve recruitment environment, and improve agent retention rate, policy persistency rate and attainment rate. 增员培训是寿险营销目标管理运营的关键和基础,必须明确增员责任,制定增员规划,跟进保障措施,改善增员环境,提高留存率、定着率和业绩的达成率。
There're some limitations to risk retention, such as financial strength, risk control ability, and taxation and monetary policy and so on. 但是某些限制因素,如企业的经济实力、企业对风险的控制能力、税收和货币政策等,影响着企业自留风险决策的效果。第三章,分析保险公司与企业风险财务处理机制的关系。
At the same time using cross-grade retention policy and elite genetic algorithm to improve the diversity of population. 同时采用等级交叉和精英保留策略改进了遗传算法中种群的多样性。
The algorithm adapts a variety of group strategy and optimal retention policy, raising the ability of algorithm which improve the efficiency of docking. 如此改进后的算法仍旧采用了多种群策略和最优保留策略,从而提高了算法寻优能力以及分子对接效率。
So the telecom operators have to pay more attention on customer; to reinforce the management of customer relationship; to actualize useful and efficacious customer retention policy. 而这一切都要求运营商更加重视现有客户、加强客户关系管理、实施合理有效的客户保持策略。